Ugh. Some people are so stupid. It's a harsh word, but it's true. No DVD player is worth hurting someone. SportsCenter was running a clip of ladies fighting outside of Toys R Us with it opened yesterday morning. People are insane. What does fighting over slightly reduced prices have to do with the holidays? Nothing says Happy Birthday Jesus like breaking someone's neck over a electronic device.
Casual Absurdity
This site is very fun. (Found on the blogs of Tiff and Dave Barry)
They changed our flights :-p Now instead of getting to go to Charlotte and Pittsburgh, we have to go to the worst city in the world, twice with huge layovers..... :-p :-p and :-p
Departure Arrival Carrier/Flight
19 Mar Columubus - 1:35pm 19 Mar Detroit - 2:40pm Northwest #5890
19 Mar Detroit - 5:15pm 20 Mar Frankfurt - 7:20am Northwest #52
28 Mar Frankfurt - 11:25am 28 Mar Detroit - 1:50pm Northwest #51
28 Mar Detroit - 7:00pm 28 Mar Columbus - 8:03pm Northwest #1101
This 80's Lyrics Quiz is pretty cool. However, it's frustrating when you see the real answers and know them when you can hear the actual song in your head.
I got a 30, by the way. :-p
I know this is two of these things in like a week, but I really don't feel like doing homework, so I'm afraid it is necessary.
-- Name: Ross
-- Birthdate: 4/28/1982
-- Birthplace: Canton, OH
-- Current Location: Mount Vernon
-- Eye Color: Brown
-- Hair Color: Brown
-- Height: 5' 09"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus
-- Your heritage: Mostly swiss, I think some German, Irish, and Native American thrown in somewhere, maybe
-- The shoes you wore today: Docs
-- Your weakness: Procrastination, hence the survey
-- Your fears: see last survey
-- Your perfect pizza: Cheese. Just Cheese.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Finding a job that I like
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM:
-- Your thoughts first waking up: How much longer can I sleep?
-- Your best physical feature: My eyes?
-- Your bedtime: Whenever I get there, usually around 1, though
-- Your most missed memory: I dont' have a very good long-term memory
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, if I drink either
-- McDonald's or Burger King: BK
-- Single or group dates: both have their advantages
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-- smoke: Ew.
-- Cuss: Very, very rarely
-- Sing: Yeah, but only about 3% as much as I used to
-- Take a shower everyday: yes
-- Have a crush(es): The ring on Alexis' finger would suggest yes
-- Do you think you've been in love: see above
-- Want to go to college: There now
-- Like high school: It was ok
-- Want to get married: see a few above
-- Believe in yourself: With occasional assurance
-- Get motion sickness: On swings
-- Think you're attractive: At least to one person
-- Think you're a health freak: ha, no
-- Get along with your parents: yes
-- Like thunderstorms: definitely
-- Play an instrument: kinda
LAYER SIX: In the past six months...
-- Drank alcohol: No
-- Smoked: Ew.
-- Done a drug: A lot of Advil
-- Had Sex: Nope
-- Made Out: It's possible
-- Gone on a date: Last night, a great one
-- Gone to the mall?: too many times
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Mmm.. oreos sound really good.
-- Eaten sushi: no
-- Been on stage: No
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Gone skinny dipping: no, and the fish appreciate that fact
-- Dyed your hair: Not in the last six months... six years, year
-- Stolen anything: No
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
-- If so, was it mixed company:
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- Been caught "doing something": no
-- Been called a tease: no
-- Gotten beaten up: nope
-- Shoplifted: no, they're too heavy
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no
-- Age you hoping to be married: 22
-- Numbers and Names of Children: Not planning on any any time soon
-- Describe your dream wedding: We're working on that
-- How do you want to die: what kind of messsed up question is this?
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: older
-- What country would you most like to visit: Austrailia. But I'm really looking forward to the trip to German in March
In a guy/girl..
-- Best eye color? brown or greenish
-- Best hair color? Anything natural, preferably brunette
-- Short or long hair: LONG!
-- Height: a little shorter than me
-- Best weight: healthy
-- Best articles of clothing: ?
-- Best first date location: Somewhere you can talk, with a group is best
-- Best first kiss location: Not too entirely important, but best if it's memorable enough that both people know when it happened (unlike two people I know that can't agree when/where it took place, he he.)
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: zero
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: twelve and two thirds
-- Number of CDs that I own: around 150? I don't know these days
-- Number of piercings: none right now
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: um, a lot. it tends to appear quite a bit when you're an editor
-- Number of scars on my body: quite a few. I have a bad scab picking habit.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: none I can think of, I don't like to live in the past
College life is great. One of the amazing things is relationships. All of them as a whole, but especially those of the male/female sort. Especially seeing the variety in them. For instance, there is Alexis and I, we spent this evening browsing in stores, having dinner and talking about our future marraige. Then there's my roommate (Chris) who just started dating a girl a few days ago and is just starting all of the things that happen in the beginning of a relationship. Then there's those who aren't dating anyone at all, and that's cool too because you see how strong they are as an individual and you see a person being single and looking for that special someone. Then there are those who are dealing with long distance relationshps and making that work. There are just so many different stages college students (in particular) can be in. OK.... I'm rambling and not sure if I'm making sense. I'm going to step slowly down from the podium and go to bed.
Well, the Bucks went down to the Maize and Blue today.
Oh well.
Not that I didn't want to see OSU win, but I'm sticking with the rule Bill Simmons instated in the last issue of ESPN The Magazine: Thou shalt not whine if your team has won a title in the last five years.
I know when I say, "Well, we won a national championship last year," Michigan fans and fans of other teams will respond with "last year doesn't matter." If championships don't matter, why are their competitive sports in the first place? If those other people's team won the championship last year, it would matter to them. So I will keep wearing scarlet and gray proudly. They're still a great team and should go to a BCS bowl. I think playing USC or West Virginia would make for a better game anyways.
Well here's my travel plans for the Spring Break missions trip. This will be my first time flying.
19 Mar Columbus - 2:07pm 19 Mar Charlotte - 3:30pm
US Airways #2602
19 Mar Charlotte - 4:20pm 20 Mar Frankfurt - 6:50am
US AirwayS #192
28 Mar Frankfurt - 12:45pm 28 Mar Pittsburgh - 3:00pm
US Airways #781
28 Mar Pittsburgh - 5:30pm 28 Mar Columbus - 6:24pm
US Airways #4926
You can tell I don't travel, I couldn't figure out for why it took so long to get from Charlotte to Frankfurt but only 2 hours to get from Frankfurt to Pittsburgh... yeah... then I realized there's a time change....
I got a bunch of Johnny Cash cds from the library today. He was great. Not many songs are as powerful as him singing "Hurt"
I've seen this quite a few places and I don't feel like reading my Lit, so I decided to fill it out.
01 | Disappointing loved ones
02 | Boredom
03 | Bears
01| Alexis
02| Grant
03| Jenny
01 | Sports
02 | Writing
03 | Hanging out with friends
01 | The Michigan Wolverines
02 | The Pittsburg Steelers
03 | Nationwide Walkie-Talkies
01 | War
02 | Drinking (alchohol)
03 | The BeeGees
01 | My Laptop
02 | My ESPN magazine that I finally got
03 | Dead bugs that I can never seem to finish cleaning up
01 | Taking a break from the world
02 | Enjoying it
03 | Procrastinating
01 | Find my niche in life
02 | Travel more
03 | Learn more about the people around me
01 | Confess my belief in Christianity with no doubts
02 | Sing ok
03 | Walk and chew gum at the same time
01 | Unpredictable
02 | Loving, although I don't always show it
03 | More confident then I really am
01 | Descriptive of my mood
02 | Comfortable yet usually stylish
03 | Me
THREE THINGS I CAN'T DO (right now):
01 | Properly tie a tie
02 | Fly
03 | Speak any language but English (or American as some would call it)
01 | Lasagna
02 | No Bake Cookies
03 | Pizza
01 | Guitar - even though I've tried and I suck at it
02 | HTML
03 | How to meet people better
01 | Sobe
02 | IBC Cream Soda
03 | Iced Tea
01 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
02 | Tiny Toons
03 | Captain Kangaroo
I was suprised to see this on Usually ESPN hates Ohio sports teams.
There are those who say the Buckeyes are lucky, and that's simply a lazy explanation. Ohio State is not lucky, even if Sander, the holder, said someone got a finger on Nugent's overtime field goal. That one went through the uprights, and Jones' did not. No one goes 24-1 by being lucky. No one wins three games in one season without an offensive touchdown by rubbing a rabbit's foot.
Well, life is interesting.
The last issue of the paper this semester is out and aside from a staff meeting, I'm free of that burden until January. That's good news. I enjoy doing it, but it's a lot of work and I needed a break from it. I let it stress me out way to easily.
The semester is winding down, only a few more major things to go. I'm looking forward to Christmas break, not only for the time off but Alexis and I will get to start concentrating on wedding stuff. It's really a struggle to balance the thought of that with school work. I'm not sure how some people balance actually being married with school work. More power to them.
As for this weekend, I'm really loking forward to it. Mainly because for the first time in few weeks, I have nothing to do. It's Homecoming weekend here, but Alexis has to work, so I thinking of skipping the dinner and pagaent tonight and enjoying an empty apartment, getting the little things I have to do done. I have some smaller homework things I could take care of, and I need to get some things done for my Germany trip that's coming up spring break.
Well, I think that catches everything up for now.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Well, I've had some requests for details so here ya go:
Planned wedding date: January 15, 2005
The proposal: After Rent we went to Easton, we were planning on eating at Brio and we headed out that direction. I kept walking past the resteraunt and sat down on a bench behind it, and then proposed. She was completly suprised. The only people I had told I was proposing was her parents.
The ring: I picked it out myself and everybody likes it :-)
Well, I think all our almost all of our closest friends and reletives have heard by word of mouth now, and news spreads around MVNU and Dalton like wildfire, so I'll go ahead and put this on my blog:
Last night Alexis and I got engaged.
Yes Abe, you can "scratch another one off the list." :-)
Columbus was great.
Rent was ok, the guy who played Roger kind of sucked, and the guy who played Mark was mediocre, but the rest of the cast was pretty great. The music is so amazing and there is a very, very powerful message in that play. It never fails to affect me.
Then we went to Easton. We didn't see the Matrix, because of another occurance, which I can't report on just yet. I'll fill you in a day or so. I'll just say it's good news.
I just want to publically express how incredibly thrilled I am that the bag the socks I bought today came in, is, in fact, resealable. I just couldn't stand those old, non-resealable sock bags... what did they help? I mean, what are you supposed to do with it after you open it? Just leave it open? Well that is in the past my friends, now I can open and reseal my sock bag as many times as I want.
Oddest thing. I think I accedentally fixed my computer. I had noticed over the month or three it's been freezing that it's never frozen while I was not connected to the network here at school. Then, over the last week, at random times, the internet just wouldn't work at all on my computer for some reason. So I went into the netword stuff on the control panel and turned it off and back on. It hasn't frozen since... I don't know why that would be different than unplugging/plugging in my network cable, but if it works, yay. It's nice not to have to retype papers or just get plain frustrated 15 times a day.
(Knock on wood)
Two more days and I can finally take a break. I think we might be ending The Matrix: Revolutions to our day out on Saturday. I'm pumped.
If any of you have seen it, don't comment on it. I don't want to know.
I've tried several times to get something posted on Dave Barry's Blog, but so far have been unsuccessful. This last time, however, I did get a response.
Dear Dave,
I was wondering what you thoughts are on the order of the "Find it Fast" Links on the Miami Herald website. You are after the calendar, but above the dolphins. Obituaries barely made the top five. Was there a Florida election held to decide this order? If so, I think there were a few thousand people that wanted to vote for "Comics" but accidentally voted for "Action Line." Thank you for your time on this completely unimportant matter that has kept me away from writing my paper for five
more minutes.
~Ross King
His Response: Glad to help.
Not that exciting, but it's still cool to get an e-mail from a famous person.
I apologize for the lack of posting. I've been sick, our apartment and the campus in general is passing around a nasty cold, and busy out my ears. This week will be even worse with papers and tests and the big Homecoming Issue of the newspaper to take care of, but it's the last one for the semester, so that's good news. I'm in the process of getting approval to post the newspaper online, if it goes through, I'll post a link so you all can see what I do. Try to contain your excitement...
Though this week will be my busiest this semester, I have one thing to look forward to. On Saturday, I'll get to put everything aside to head to Columbus for an afternoon showing or RENT and an evening at Easton with Alexis. I haven't looked so forward to something in a long, long time.