Stupid Stealers!!!!!!!!!! Actually, bumbling browns O, but I'd rather blame it on Pittsburg... I thought Couch showed promis last week, but it's 'bout time to bring Holcomb back.
Anyways... It feels like Saturday night. Not Sunday night. I think I'm going to be feeling a case of the Mondays tomorrow....
Casual Absurdity
Found this guy at work today, funny guy.
My co-worker and I are trying to name him. Any suggestions?
My friends and I have been looking at softball stuff on ebay
Here's a softball glove that the guy "may have used once"
And here's a BLACK one.
Man, some people should not be able to sell stuff.
Denver Broncos quarterback Brian Griese was limping on a sprained left ankle Thursday, the result of being tripped by his dog on some stairs at his home Wednesday night.
Yeah.... that's funny. Although I'd rather have it happen to Elway :-)
This is great. Pete Rose deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. There shouldn't be any questions about it.
Because I was in Columbus for almost 12 hours yesterday, I missed college football. But looking at the scores, it looks like it was another exciting day. The Buckeyes, minus a certain running back, actually had a close game (for exact closeness, see Erin's comment below), Michigan almost lost AGAIN to an UNRANKED TEAM! (They only scored 10 points!!!) And Notre Dame helped out OSU buy beating another Big 10 team, we really need to send them a thank you card.
Anyways, what I WAS doing, having fun at Magic Mountain, having supper at Steak and Shake, and seeing My Big Fat Greek Wedding. All of these things I've done for the first time. Magic Mountain is cool, but crowded. Steak and Shake is awesome!! and My Big Fat Greek Wedding is hilarious. A great movie. The only thing that took away from it is the fact it was a low budget movie with all these unknowns in it but oh wait, there's Joey Fatone from N'Sync. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Not becuase he was a bad actor, but because he was the only famous person in the movie. At least he was only in it for like 15 minutes or so. But overall, it was a great night!
Catch up with Davy, Roxanne, and Jack and Diane
Well it looks like (correction, by bad) Maurice Clarett isn't playing against Cincy today. Bummer. Oh well, I still have OSU by.... 17.
At least.
Sorry Erin :-)
After a dousing of Lysol, the smell in my Jeep was finally to the point where it's drivable (for a short period of time) So I get in to go to Burger King and get supper and lo and behold, the battery is dead! I just can't win!
Here's my rare dose of quizzes
I'm "I Wish It Was Christmas Today" Jimmy!
Take the Jimmy Fallon recurring SNL character quiz here.
created by stomps.
I have do to some every now and then.
Ahhh, there's not many things better than getting an e-mail (or more) from when you wake up in the morning, telling you that you've made money while you slept and you get to get rid of something that has just been taking up shelf space for years. The way it's going now I'm making $50 a month or so off and I've gotten rid of a lot of stuff.
I don't know if you all got that huge storm Sat nigh/Sunday Morning, but we got a huge one. We had probably about 3-4 inches of rain in an hour or so span. And while all this was going on, the back three windows were out of my Jeep.... so it got drenched. Any other time it's be rained in it's been fine, but this much water was too much. It's a mildew machine and it reeks. I've used about a half bottle of febreeze already and I think I'm going to have to start taking the carpet out and putting it through the washer and dryer or something. I don't know but it has to smell better, I could barely drive it yesterday. Any suggestions anyone?
Update: Ah, mom's wisdom pulls through. Lysol spray. Why didn't I think of that? Back to Walmart we go!
OK, so I went into the living room last night and one of my apartmentmates was watching that Egypt Live thing on Fox. It was this National Geographic thing where these people were going into a pyramid. I only saw the last 15 min. but what I got out of it was, they drilled through a wall, and put a camera through, and found another wall. and then it ended. They were all excited they went throught the first wall and they found another wall.... I don't get it. Then this guy came on and tried to BS their way out of it saying they hoped the viewers learned something and that whether it seemed like it or not, this was really an exciting event. Then they put the new wall back up and ran the credits. I just don't get historians. I know people say history will repeat itself if we don't know what happened before, but.... are they saying we'll build walls in weird places if we don't know the Egyptians did it? I don't know. I just don't understand it all.
Attention World Sickos:
If you want to copy cat a crime. Rob a bank. Spray paint a building. DON'T KIDNAP AND KILL GIRLS!
I don't know what these guys get out of doing this. Does doing something like that really make them feel better about themselves? There has too be a chemical imbalance going on. The thing that tears me apart the most about this Wayne Co. girl is "Yockey was released from prison last March after serving 15 years for kidnapping and raping a 17-year-old girl. He lived with his parents, just yards from the Jackson home."
Hey Judges and law people. If a dirty old man is raping girls, DON'T LET HIM OUT ON THE STREETS!!!
This whole thing really bothers me. I'd like to have a daughter someday. And I don't want any of those guys around when I do.
Ok, I've been going from morning 'till night pretty much. So I thought my blog deserved some attention, and what better time than 2 am on a Friday night? Here's some updates...
- September 11 didn't end up being as depressing as I thought it was. I agreed with Chuck and his stand against the media. Staying away from the TV and internet as much as I could, the day didn't go over to bad. I was able to remember it respectfully. Oh yeah, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but Yahoo's main page was all black and white on the 11th. I thought that was pretty lame. Especially when they have the big messenger happy face at the top. Oh, and another thing. I don't know about anywhere else, but the 11th was the only cloudy day we've had in two weeks. I thought it was strange considering last year the 11th was perfectly clear. God's way of mourning? Maybe.
- I successfully got my first sport section done for the paper. I'll put my opinion article after the paper is released. Why? Because I'm weird like that.
- I finally changed the oil in my Jeep. IT was getting to the point to when if I passed somebody, I could smell bad smells. Not a good sign.
- I am hoping to get back to more frequent posting now that I'm getting back into school.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hey guess what, it's me, Ross. I still exist.
As I said before, I have a ton to do but I'm enjoying myself. I seem to get more things done when I have a lot to do because when I have little to do I put it off easier. Make sense?
Last night Alexis and I returned to Easton. I missed that place. It's so nice. By the way, if any of you haven't been to Max & Erma's, it really good. I went for the frist time last night to the new one at Easton. There were like seven things I was debating about ordering. Great stuff.
I have a feeling none of this is making sense. So I'm going to stop talking now.
I shall be bored no more. I've now had orientations, meetings, and training for all of my jobs and this year might get a little rough. I have a lot of work to do and then there's that whole school things. Classes haven't even started and I have hours of work to do for the paper alone. My week is like this, I work four and half hours on MWF, plus an hour of chapel, plus whatever I need to get to do for the paper. Then on TR I have 7 or 9 hours of classes.
I know I'm in over my head, but I like the challenge of trying to stay afloat.
Having no classes and not really working have really messed me up.
I am totally conviced the last two days are both Friday.