
Gone until 1/7/2003.

Thank you for visiting.


This really is the most wonderful time of the year.

Merry Christmas.


This makes me very, very happy.


See me, Alexis, Craig and our friends on TV!

Tune in to PAX on Christmas Eve @ 9 pm to see the MVNU Choral Union's performance of Handel's Messiah. (Cut down from three hours to one) it's really good, I promise :-) That is, if you like that kind of thing.


I got my grades today. Three A's and two A-'s. This is the first semester MVNU started using the plus and minus system and I choose that semester to get A's. Figures. Oh well. I haven't had this many A's in like 10 or 12 years, so I guess I'll be happy with it. And hey, it's Ross' first trip to the Dean's List. (I think. I'm not really sure how that works.)

Next up, J-term: Introduction to Philosophy with Dr. Lincoln Stevens. M-F 8am. This will probably be one of the more interesting things that has happened to me in college thus far.


Christmas break.

So far, so good.


Only one day left of the semester... too bad it's the MOST IMPORTANT DAY YET!!!

I have two exams, the first one should be cake but I haven't studied at all for it yet because I've spent most of my day studying for/taking the exam I had this morning and after that studying for my second exam tomorrow which is accounting and I can only miss 8 points and still get an A.

I think I might have done well enough on my other exams to get A's in those classes, but I'm not positive...

...but it all (being straight A's for Ross) could come down to this test..........

I'm scared.


Noo doot a boot it, the canadians are stoners, ay?

Can anyone lend (and by lend, I really mean give) me $185,000? I think I could really use one of these.


Christmas Time is here!

Favoirte Christmas Albums
5) Winterlude
4) Handel's Messiah
3) Garth Brooks - Beyond the Season
2) Vince Guardi Trio - A Charlie Brown Christmas (I think that's what it's called)
1) Garth Brooks - The Magic of Christmas

Favorite Christmas Recordings
5) Winter Wonderland - by Garth Brooks
4) Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Johnny Mathis
3) God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman/Carol of the Bells - Transiberian Orchestra
2) Silent Night by Boys II Men
1) Hallelujah Chorus by pretty much anyone decent

Favorite Christmas Movies
5) The Santa Claus
4) The Grinch that Stole Christmas
3) Muppet Family Christmas
2) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
1) A Christmas Story


Classes are.... over!
For me anyways, thanks to Tuesday/Thursday classes. So now I just have yearbook layouts and finals to go, plus a busy weekend, and work. But at least I don't have to listen to lectures for a few weeks.


You know what? Keeping straight A's is really hard... I'm not seeing it happen.

Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.


Farewell Jim Thome

Well, the decision has been made. Jim Thome has signed with Philidelphia. I wish him well. I hold no grudge.
Why? He didn't leave for the money. There was only a two million dollar difference and when you get that high, it doesn't matter. He left because Philly has a very, very good chance at a World Series Title next year or the year after or the year after. Cleveland is rebuilding and does not. He is an older player and older players without a title want one. I understand why he would go. I have a feeling he'll be back in a few years DHing or coaching or something. But we'll see. It is kind of sad that the world series teams are completely gone but it has to happen sometime. So to the new, young Indians I say GO TRIBE!


Break was good.
Turkey was good.
Only two more weeks of this semester is good.
Life is pretty good.