Well I am no longer jobless. I now have two. I feel like a real college student because this summer I will be selling knives. Silly job? Yes. But it pays well and I can work whenever I want. If you need knives, I'm your man. I'll also be working some at The Video Station in Dalton. I also interviewed at Angelo's today, I'm hoping to get that too. All of them together would be around 40 hours a week.
Casual Absurdity
I really really want to go see Rent again... unfortunatly it's not on tour right now :-(
Still haven't heard from or been able to get a hold of the guy from Traymore Marketing. So this afternoon and tomorrow it's job hunt time... wish me luck.
Fortune actually smiled on the Cavs. Maybe. I'm still not convinced "King" James is all he's cracked up to be.
To me the more exciting thing is Detroit getting the #2 from Memphis. Billips, Ben Wallace and Carmelo... that's a good basketball team.
It's always interesting putting an apartment's worth of stuff (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room) in to one room.
It's said that you can make a lot more money if you go to college. Whatever.
I haven't looked forward to anything related to the NBA in a long time, but I'm looking forward to the Spurs/Mavs series. They're both 60-22, they split their season series 2-2, and they both beat teams they weren't supposed to in the last round to get to this one. Looks to be some good basketball.
Jr/Sr pics are up.
That was a great Friday night. We had a lot of fun at Jr/Sr. which is good, because I really wasn't looking forward to it a whole lot. Alexis looked incredible, I got to spend quality time with some of my closest friends, the food was pretty good, the ballroom was very nice, and the "entertainment" wasn't too horrible.The only thing it was missing was dancing. I'll probably put some pictures up once they get developed.
Afterwards we went and saw The Matrix:Reloaded at Easton, which has the best movie theaters I've been in. That is an awesome movie. The action scenese are amazing, absolutly amazing. There is a little more comedy than the first (mostly one-line things), and the plot continued to be good. There were three downfalls: 1) An incredibly weird dancing/orgy/sex scene thing that really made no sense and wasn't necessary (it looked like what an Abercrombie TV ad would be like), 2) The cliffhanger ending, and 3) We heard the trailor for The Matrix: Revolution was after the credits. We stayed for like 10 minutes and the trailor was about 2 minutes. Definitely not worth it. But over all I really enjoyed it and hope to go see it again soon. You MUST see this movie in the theater. It's just too good to just watch on video. Now I just have to wait until November to see the conclusion...
MY BIG PAPER IS DONE! and at a normal time, too.
Of course, I don't think it's really what he was looking for, but let's hope it is. Next big thing is tomorrow night and that's to go to Junior/Senior Banquet at the Hyatt in Columbus followed by going to see The Matrix: Reloaded at Easton, both of which I am very pumped about.
Saturday I'm packing most of my stuff to send home on Sunday when my parents come down.
Next week is finals, whoopee. I'm more worried about the stuff I have to do for the newspaper than finals. My grades are all pretty much determined already and I don't test well so I'm not gong to stress too much over them.
I have a possible job/intership opportunity at Traymore Marketing in Twinsburg, I'm really hoping that works out.
Ok, there's what's going on in my life.
Well, I sat down tonight to work on my paper and realized... I have no idea what I'm supposed to be writing.
So despite what my wonderful high school teachers taught me, I'll have to find out what the last six pages are supposed to be about about tomorrow morning in class then finish it at the last minute.
I tried to write all 10 pages of my paper tonight, but I just didn't have the stamina (well, the motivation anyways). I got 4 pages done. Not too bad considering I wasn't going to start any of it until tomorrow.
Also he dropped the two page paper so I don't have to worry about that anymore. That was good news.
Here's another crappy thing about mono. I've been tired the last two weeks. Really tired. But I don't know why. Is it because the mono is relapsing because I overdid it playing Frisbee last sunday? Is it because I've been resting since playing frisbee and not gotten any other major exercise? Is it because I'm not sleeping well or long enough? I'm not sure what to do. If I keep resting, I could stay tired. If I go exercise, I could overdo it and end up tired.... this is very frustrating. I think my plan is to go shoot around at the gym tonight.
Two papers to write this week. One is two pages, the other is ten. Both are for the same class, both require me to watch a three hour movie for research. So I have a minimum of six hours of homework just watching movies, plus writing time. Sounds like it's going to be a long week.
Sigh... I did homework for four hours last night and it looks like tonight will be greater than or equal to. We have our major Advertising Presentation on Friday, so we have to finish the 20 pages paper and powerpoint to go along with it. I'm also planning on doing all of my accounting homework and research paper tonight to get everything out of the way for next week for the big Film and Lit paper I have due next Friday and I haven't even had time to think about let alone start. The last two weeks of school don't look like they'll be too much fun... but oh well. At least I have a summer of uncertainty (no job yet) to look forward to :-/
Interesting day today.
Got "real" exercise for the first time since pre-mono. I played Ultimate Frisbee with people that play every week and are really good. I don't think that was the wisest way to get back into the athletic world. I'm really, really tired....
I also go a Lexmark Printer/Scanner/Copier for a good deal at Walmart. It's pretty cool.
Ok, so ya know the little flap of stuff that goes between your jaw under your middle bottom teeth to the area beneath your lip? (If not take a moment and find it.) I have cold sore on mine. It's been there for three days now. It hurts.
On a brighter note, had a good time at the Tribe game tonight. They won, it didn't rain, our seats were actually really good for upper deck (right behind home plate), and there was a good fireworks show.
It's May.... ho boy.... here's what May means....
May 1 - Meeting with video guy for our one shot to get our commercials done for our ad campaign. It's all or nothing.
May 3 - Help with Sonfest
May 5 - "Meet your SGA" night, scooping ice cream during dinner
May 7 - Two page paper due
May 9 - Ad campaign due. This includes the aforementioned commercials, several print ads I still have to finish, and a 20-30 page paper that has barely been started
May 12 - Put together the last issue of the newspaper for the year. This one's all me as incoming editor.
May 14 - Five to 7 page Accounting research paper due
May 16 - Ten page literature paper due for the hardest lit. prof on campus
May 19-22 - Finals
May 23 - Five hour SGA meeting
Wow, now that I look at it, I have something due or to do almost every other day. Kind of weird. Ok. so you take these items, add in my other job, accounting homework due every monday, wednesday and friday, making all the plans and preperations for the newspaper next year, and the fact I have to find a job for the summer... what do you get? One FUN month for Ross. I really wish you could do sarcasm online... somebody has to find a way. At this point in time, the only things I have to look forward to are the Tribe game Friday night (which might get stormed out) and Junior/Senior Banquet on May 16. The newspaper stuff might be fun if I didn't have so much else to do with it.