
I've reached a Mono milestone. My first day in about three weeks that I didn't have to take an afternoon nap. And I didn't get much sleep last night so this is a good sign.
My mom mailed my the results of the bloodwork I had done last weekend. Checkout these stats:

White blood cells: Supposed to be between 3.6-10.7; Mine were 26.2
Lymph %: Supposed to be between 1-4.3; Mine were 9.2
Lymph Reaction %: Supposed to be between 0.0-0.5; Mine were 10.0
Monos %: Supposed to be 0.0-0.8; Mine was 1.3

Yeah, I don't know what all that means, but I'm guessing I was pretty sick. I have to go get bloodwork done again this Saturday. Hopefully these numbers are down. I'll also be at the musical Friday night so if you're there, find me.