

Triple X can only bring about one description. It's an action movie. Pure and simple. Explosions, cars, guns, a girl, the bad guy, it's action movie through and through, and not a bad one at that. There were some points where the director abused his power. Just because you have the ability to do some special effects, doesn't mean you need to do them. Because they're dumb. But that's one ingrediaent* of an action movie, trying out new things. This one is pretty enjoyable but probably only for guys for the most part.

By the way, there was a preview for the next Vin Diesel movie before XXX, and guess who one of the actors is? They didn't put any names up but I'm 90% sure it was former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani. He was always pretty good on SNL, I guess he wanted to try on the big screen.

* Thanks Abe :-)